Wednesday, January 21, 2009


My mind races faster than the speed of light
Thoughts wider than Victoria lake
Murky daze, i try to grapple and find a way
Through the blur I see your face
Smile at me, silently mock me
Run, disappear
"I dont know why I didnt come"

Your voice so pacific
Eyes warm and inviting
I want to be swept
Surrender to delve
Perenially submerge
Willingly dissipate
"I dont know why I didnt come"

The sun is breaking into two
Melting slowly
Embodying how i feel
Slow winds surround
Walking by myself
My heart is breaking
Where have you gone?

Lost in memories
Dreaded restlessness
Tears & confusion intertwined
Wishing i could fly away
Ocean calling
Yearning to drown

1 comment:

Oddball said...

this reminds me of a popular saying.. that i dont quite understand...dil garden garden ho gaya.
btw.. why do all courier guys come at 2 in the afternoon? its a wedding card for sure.. i can smell the silk screen ink throught the blast sheet. u used to get high on this remember.. hahah .. loojard.